Oils & Mamas

Adding oils to my mom toolbox is an investment I've never regretted a second. Being sent home without anything other than "Tylenol" from the doctor with a feverish and congested baby. Feeling the early symptoms of thrush coming. Having the tools to be able to do something has made the helpless feeling a little bit of a smaller pill to swallow. If you’re considering using essential oils as a parent here are a few tips:

Always buy 100% pure essential oils. Your oils must not be food or perfume grade (like oils sold in bath stores or health food stores) Also, be sure you are buying from a sellers you trust. Do your own research, learn about the companies and the plants they use to make the oils. Do they use pesticides on their plants? This is an important question as you never want chemicals in your oils! Find a friend that uses oils every day and talk with them. If you don't have a friend using oils consistently, email me. I strongly discourage buy oils from ebay or amazon, some online sellers will empty bottles and refill with a carrier oil.

Do not use undiluted oil on your child's skin. Pure essential oils can be pretty potent, and are best used either diluted with a carrier oil or evaporated using a diffuser. A diffuser can take all the guesswork out of essential oils and is great introductory to using oils as a growing family. Atomizing diffusers are my favorite, they are affordable and don't heat your oils so you get maximum benefits. Don't use oils with a humidifier. If you want to use oils topical always start on the bottoms of your feet and dilute your oils! Some great oils to use for diluting are Almond Oil, Fractionated Coconut Oil, Coconut Oil, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and Jojoba Oil. Diluting also stretches your oils so you finding a great carrier oil will help stretch your oily budget! Watch how you and your kids respond to oils.

Important: Not all essential oils are proven safe for babies. Here’s a great list of oils and Young Living Blends for getting started!


Dragon Time: A blend of calming, soothing essential oils whose natural phytoestrogens support healthy emotions in women during their monthly cycle.

Sclaressence: Combines peppermint, fennel, and sage lavender to support normal glandular functions

Endoflex: A proprietary blend of essential oils that support the endocrine system


Progressence Plus: Supporting healthy hormones and balancing emotions with wild yam, vitamin E, Frankincense, Bergamot, and Peppermint. 



  1. *Lavender
  2. Geranium
  3. *Frankincense
  4. *Copaiba
  5. Melrose
  6. *Purification
  7. *Lemon
  8. Owie
  9. Valor
  10. *Thieves
  11. Tummigize
  12. PanAway

*Notes oils included in the premium starter kit

Please note: This post is not intended as medical advice. Please do your own research before using any essential oils with your baby.


If you are feeling a tug that you want to learn more, email me! Learn more about each starter kit here. Signing up for our team gives you immediate access to our teams beautiful resources.